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Patient Information



Sleep Apnea

Sports Gaurd


Bonding White Filling





Clear Braces

Perio Protect


Root Canal



Crown Lengthening

Oral Cancer



Periodontal Therapy

Soft Tissue


Pinhole Surgical Technique



While at our office, we make sure that you receive the highest level of service and ensure that our dental work is of the highest quality. To ensure that you maintain great oral health, this level of quality needs to extend into your personal oral hygiene routine. We can help you establish a dental hygiene routine that will keep your teeth healthy and white. If you have any questions about your current hygiene plan please ask us.  

Your teeth are not the only important part of your mouth. Your gums are essential to oral hygiene as well. We can provide periodontal cleanings and treatment, or refer you to one of our recommended specialists. 


Prophy/Cleaning - A professional dental cleaning, prophylaxis is purely a preventive measure. Performed twice per year to remove dental plaque and other irritants from the teeth and gums. This simple procedure is a major part of an oral health care regimen needed to prevent cavities, gum disease and tooth loss brought on by dental disease.
(This cleaning will take about 40min- 1 hour)


Full Mouth Debridement - A procedure used to remove extensive plaque and tartar buildup, something that often happens when you haven't had regular teeth cleanings in a while. In many cases, buildup doesn't accumulate just on your teeth it can affect the areas below the gum line, too. Because of these thick deposits, it's difficult for Dr. Haynes to gauge accurately whether cavities, gum disease or other problems are present and to what degree. A regular dental cleaning is great for removing minimal deposits but not aggressive enough to remove years and years of buildup. This cleaning will require a follow-up appointment in 4-6 weeks to re-evaluate the condition of your gums.


(This cleaning will take about 1 hour. Follow-up cleaning will take about 40min)

Scaling and Root Plaining - A straightforward procedure like scaling can reduce the effects of gum/periodontal disease and restore gums to a healthy state. Without proper treatment, gum disease can progress literally to the point of no return! 


Remember: Once gum tissue and bone is lost, it doesn't grow back. Like cavities, gum disease is caused by a buildup of dental plaque bacteria. Over time, dental plaque hardens beneath the gum line, forming "pockets" between the teeth and gums. The larger these pockets grow the worse gum disease gets. Only a dentist or dental hygienist can remove the dental calculus that has accumulated in the pockets of your gums.


A non-surgical approach known as scaling is the first in a series of periodontal procedures used for gum disease treatment. During tooth scaling, an instrument called an ultrasonic scaler, is used to remove dental plaque and dental calculus from beneath the gums. Once the plaque and calculus have been removed, the area that has been scaled leaves a jagged appearance. Planing is the procedure used to smooth the tooth's root. Root planing helps gums heal; it’s easier for gums to reattach themselves to a smoother root. The smooth surface also helps keep future dental plaque from sticking the tooth's root.


(This cleaning is usually completed in one (180 min) or two (90 min) visits. A follow-up appointment will also be scheduled 6 weeks from completion of periodontal therapy to check healing gums.)


Perio Maintenance - Once scaling and root planing is complete, preventative care is necessary to keep gums healthy. Although gum disease can never be cured, proper oral hygiene can curb the problems that started it in the first place. This cleaning is performed 3-4 times per year and is focused on maintaining and improving pocket depths by removing dental plaque and other irritants from the teeth and below the gums. (This cleaning will take about 1 hour)

Bonding (White Fillings)

Bonding is a popular method to enhance the aesthetics of your smile.

Bonding is a popular method to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Bonding can be used to correct cracks or gaps in teeth, as a filling after a cavity has been removed, or to cover up stains or discolored teeth.  

A composite resin is used on the affected tooth or teeth. It is molded and sculpted over an adhesive gel that is placed on the tooth. After the resin has been applied an ultraviolet light is used to harden the resin, which is then polished to give you a fresh, new smile. 

Bonding is an obvious improvement over unsightly silver amalgam fillings. With the advancements in dental technology, bonding usually lasts for over 10 years. It is a safe, affordable, and attractive solution for many dental problems.


ZOOM! is a chairside whitening procedure that uses a safe whitening gel and a low intensity light to activate the gel. This combination allows us to provide you with teeth that are 6-10 shades whiter in about an hour!

Keeping our teeth their whitest is a lot harder than it sounds. With all the coffee, wine, smoking and other foods that have the ability to stain our teeth on a daily basis, even proper maintenance sometimes leaves them a little lackluster. Teeth whitening is an excellent way to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter than your natural color if you would like.  

To accomplish the whitening of your teeth, we utilize a product called ZOOM!. ZOOM! is a chairside whitening procedure that uses a safe whitening gel and a low intensity light to activate the gel. This combination allows us to provide you with teeth that are 6-10 shades whiter in about an hour!


Veneers are an excellent way to redesign and reshape your entire mouth. Veneers are a very thin ceramic shell that covers your existing tooth structure.

Veneers are an excellent way to redesign and reshape your entire mouth. Veneers are a very thin ceramic shell that covers your existing tooth structure. In placing these new veneers on your teeth, you are able to fix the look of issues such as staining, cracked teeth, spaces, misaligned teeth, chipped teeth and many other issues. 

In terms of the process to place veneers, it is a process that takes approximately two to three visits. In the first visit, we will discuss the new shape and look of what we are going to accomplish by placing the veneers. Once we have put a plan in place, we will carefully prepare the teeth for the placement of the new veneers. As we complete this piece of the process, the next step is to take an impression of the newly prepared teeth. This impression will be sent to our laboratory for the final product to be fabricated. We only utilize the highest standard laboratory for fabrication of all of our work. This process at the laboratory takes between 10-14 days. While the new veneers are being fabricated at the lab, we will provide you with a beautiful temporary solution to wear for this time. 

As the veneers are finalized, we will make every effort to make sure that your new veneers will feel just like your natural teeth. We will bond them into place ensuring that you can enjoy your new smile for a very long time!


Over time our teeth begin to weaken and become more susceptible to problems such as decay, cracks, discoloration and others. If you feel your smile isn’t what it once was, crowns can help you recover your smile. If your dentist notices that a tooth is decayed or seems weakened/cracked a crown may be necessary to make sure that there are no additional problems with the tooth. In cases like this a filling or bonding will not be sufficient.


Crowns can be made from porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or a full gold crown. To maintain a natural look and feel a porcelain finished crown is best, as it can be matched to the shade of your other teeth. This will allow it to blend in and appear just like one of your natural teeth.

The process of installing a crown takes 2-3 visits to the dentist. On the first visit the tooth will be reshaped by filing down the enamel so that the crown can be placed over it. You will be given a local anesthetic before this part of the procedure so that you do not experience any discomfort. Once the tooth has been reshaped, a mold will be taken of that tooth and the surrounding teeth. This mold will be sent to a dental lab so that your new crown can be made so that it fits in the spot created for it and looks the same relative to the surrounding teeth. Before leaving, your dentist will fit you with a temporary crown until your permanent crown is ready. 

The crown takes about 2-3 weeks to be returned to your dentist. At this time you will have another appointment to place and fit the permanent crown. You will again have a local anesthetic to numb the area and the tooth will be placed using a cement to ensure the tooth sets in place. When you look in the mirror, you will see your old smile back. Crowns are durable and will usually last about 10-15 years. You should care for it as you would any of your other teeth with regular brushing and flossing. Call us today if you would like to learn more about how crowns can help restore your smile.

Inlays and Onlays

Uses the existing tooth as a base and fit the inlay or onlay onto the tooth.

Inlays and onlays are often referred to as partial crowns. They use the existing tooth as a base and fit the inlay or onlay onto the tooth. This is done to strengthen the tooth, restore its shape, and prevent further damage. An inlay is done when there is no damage to the cusps of the tooth and the inlay can be placed right on the tooth. An inlay is used when the damage is a little more extensive. 

The decayed area of the tooth is first removed during the procedure. A mold of the tooth is then taken and sent to a dental lab. They create a restoration made from porcelain, gold, or a composite resin. The restoration takes about 2-3 weeks to make, so a temporary inlay or onlay will be placed on the tooth for that time. During your next visit the inlay or onlay will be placed into your mouth and set with cement. Your tooth will look natural and you or anyone else won't be able to tell the difference. 

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep.

Oral appliance therapy is an effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring. Provided by a dentist, oral appliance therapy uses a custom-fit, “mouth guard-like” device worn only during sleep. Oral appliance therapy helps maintain an open, unobstructed airway.

Watch this to learn more about T-Scan, a method we use to combat Sleep Apnea. 

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent and appealing solution to replace missing or extracted teeth.

They are better than other alternatives like bridges because no additional teeth need to be altered to place the new tooth.  

The entire implant process is performed over the course of a few months. The first part of the process is to install the implant itself, where a screw is placed into the jaw bone. An incision is made in the gum so that the implant can be inserted. Multiple implants can be placed at once if necessary. After the implants are placed the gums are sutured.  

The implant must be allowed about 3-6 months to heal, and during this time the jaw bone will form around the implant in a process called osseointegration. During this healing time you can have temporary crowns installed so that you can eat and speak normally and maintain a proper aesthetic appearance for your smile. 

After the implant has healed it is time to place an abutment on the implant. The abutment serves as the base for your new tooth. One this is placed an impression of the abutment is taken and is used to create your permanent restoration. Some offices have an onsite lab to create the crown, but others will have to send it to an outside lab. Once the restoration is completed you can return to the office to attach the restoration permanently. Your smile will look just like it used to, and after a short period of getting used to the implant it will feel just like one of your own teeth.

Invisalign and Clear Aligners

Invisalign and Clear Aligners are a new way to straightening teeth without the use of conventional braces.

Invisalign and MTM clear aligners are a new way of straightening teeth without the use of conventional braces. A series of clear plastic aligners are utilized to create tooth movement. Moving teeth with removable aligners is not new. However, the computer program, which can generate a series of aligners with small changes is the new part. Invisalign and MTM clear aligners are recommended for orthodontic situations with mild to moderate spacing or crowding. They are virtually undetectable, easy to use and comfortable to wear.

Root Canal (Endodontics)

When a tooth becomes infected it is usually related to the nerves in the root of the tooth. The infected nerves need to be removed.

Endodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the nerves of the teeth. Root canals are probably the most notorious procedure in dentistry and the most common procedure relating to endodontics. When a tooth becomes infected it is usually related to the nerves in the root of the tooth. The infected nerves need to be removed. If left untreated an infection can turn into an abscess, which is a much more serious problem that includes bone loss in the jaw. 

The area around the tooth is numbed with a local anesthetic to start the procedure. The dentist will then drill down into the tooth to create an opening into the canal. They will then be able to remove infected tissue and clean the canal. After the infection has been removed, the space if filled with a sealant called gutta percha. It is highly recommended that a tooth that has undergone a root canal is fitted with a crown. This will improve the appearance of the tooth, and will also make it much more likely that the root canal is successful. 

"Root canal" has become a scary term for dental patients to hear, but the benefits of the procedure and advances in dental technology have made it much less "scary". Local anesthetics and proper pain medication allow the procedure to be performed with little to no pain in most cases. There may be some soreness following the procedure, but that is normal for most dental procedures. Over the counter painkillers are usually enough to relieve any pain afterwards, but your dentist may prescribe medication. The procedure will also relieve you from pain caused by the infection allowing you to enjoy all the foods you love without any pain from heat, cold, or biting too hard. If you are experiencing pain consult your dentist today.

Crown Lengthening

When decay occurs below the gumline, it may be necessary to remove a small amount of bone and gum tissue.

Your dentist may ask for this procedure before he or she makes a new crown for your tooth.


Crown Lengthening procedures are done for both restorative dentistry and/or to improve the esthetics of your gum line. General practitioners often refer for crown lengthening procedures prior to restoration of broken or severely decayed teeth. This procedure adjusts the gum and bone level to expose more of the tooth so it can be restored.


Sometimes crown lengthening is done to improve a "gummy" smile because the teeth appear short. The teeth may actually be the proper length but excess gum tissue may be covering these teeth. During this procedure, excess gum and bone tissue is reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth

LANAP Laser Periodontal Therapy

No Cut, No Sew. No Fear.

Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP™) is a new therapy that allows for the effective treatment of periodontal disease with no removal of tissue. LANAP™ is a gentle, conservative, non-invasive method of treating gum disease without cutting, suturing or removing tissue.


Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth.

Your existing teeth are used to literally create a bridge to cross the area where your tooth is missing. Bridges are made from gold, metal, alloys, or porcelain to ensure that they are strong and durable. 

The process of creating a bridge begins by creating abutments out of your existing teeth where the bridge will be attached. The existing teeth are recontoured to provide a base for the bridge. After the abutments have been created, a mold is taken of the area which is sent to a dental lab. The lab is able to use the mold to create a bridge that will fit properly and feel as close to your natural teeth as possible. The bridge consists of two crowns on either end to place on the abutments and a pontic, which is the new tooth that replaces your missing tooth. 

We will fit you with a temporary bridge while we wait for the lab to craft your permanent bridge. This will protect the abutments and the exposed gum areas and look more appealing than having a missing tooth. When the permanent bridge has been created, you will have a follow up visit to set the bridge. It will be placed on the abutments and the dentist will then use an adhesive to make sure that the bridge is set.  

The bridge may take a little while to get used to, but after a few days it should feel like you have your own teeth back again. You should eat soft foods for the first few days after having your bridge placed. After the initial phase, you will be able to eat whatever you want with no issues.  

If you are missing a tooth you should strongly consider having it replaced. Besides the aesthetic disadvantage of missing a tooth, it could also cause structural changes to your mouth and jaw, as well as making it difficult to eat or speak properly. Set up an appointment today to restore your smile.

Partials and Dentures

Partials/Dentures are a replacement for missing teeth that can be removed and put back into your mouth as you please.

Depending on each individual patient case, they may receive full or partial dentures. Full dentures are used when all of the natural teeth are removed from the mouth and replaced with a full set of dentures. There are two types of full dentures.

  • Conventional Full Dentures - This is when all the teeth are removed and the tissue is given time to heal before the dentures are placed. It could take a few months for the gum tissue to heal completely, and during this time you will be without teeth. 

  • Immediate Full Dentures - Prior to having your teeth removed, your dentist takes measurements and has dentures fitted for your mouth. After removing the teeth, the dentures are immediately placed in your mouth. The benefit is that you do not have to spend any time without teeth. You will, however, need to have a follow up visit to refit your dentures because the jaw bone will slightly change shape as your mouth heels. The dentures will need to be tightened after the jaw bone has healed.

Partial dentures are another option when not all of your teeth need to be removed. This is similar to a bridge, but it is not a permanent fixture in your mouth. 

Your dentures may take some time to get used to. The flesh colored base of the dentures is placed over your gums. Some people say that it feels bulky or that they don't have enough room for their tongue. Other times the dentures might feel loose. These feelings will affect the way you eat and talk for a little while. Over time, your mouth becomes trained to eat and speak with your dentures and they begin to feel more and more like your natural teeth. They may never feel perfectly comfortable, but it is much better than the alternative of not having teeth. 

Even though dentures are not real teeth, you should care for them like they are. You should brush them to remove plaque and food particles before removing your dentures. After they have been removed you should place them directly into room temperature water or a denture cleaning solution. Never use hot water because it could warp the dentures. Your dentures are delicate, so make sure you are careful when handling them so you don't drop them. Also, never try to adjust your dentures yourself. You could ruin them, so you should always seek assistance from your dentist if they feel uncomfortable or loose. 

Perio Protect®

Perio Protect® is a comprehensive method that is customized for individual patients to help manage biofilms, communities of bacteria, growing in the spaces or pockets between teeth and gum tissue.

Perio Protect® is a comprehensive method that is customized for individual patients to help manage biofilms, communities of bacteria, growing in the spaces or pockets between teeth and gum tissue. The overall goal of the Perio Protect Method™ is to manage oral biofilm with minimally invasive dentistry for lasting oral health. 

The Method combines a non-invasive chemical therapy with the mechanical debridement (removal) of biofilm. The chemical therapy relies on the tray delivery of doctor-prescribed solutions to chemically debride biofilm from the periodontal pocket and alter the pocket's microbiological environment to disrupt biofilm growth.


The standard cleaning procedures in dental offices (e.g. scaling and root planing) help remove plaque and tartar and help reduce bacteria, but unfortunately bacteria reproduce quickly and biofilms regenerate very easily, so it is difficult to control them between office visits. 

With the Perio Protect Method, you can place prescribed solutions into periodontal pockets with an appropriately formed, customized dental tray between office visits to help manage biofilm. Although a dentist must choose the most appropriate solution for individual patients, the most commonly prescribed solution with the Method has oxidizing and oxygenating agents. Oxidizing agents debride (chemically remove) the slimy protective coating of a biofilm and its underlying layers and also cleanse the oral wounds. Oxygenating agents introduce oxygen into the anaerobic (oxygen depleted) periodontal environment, altering the environment so that harmful anaerobic bacteria can no longer survive. 

Dentists may choose to treat the oral wounds with the chemical debriding and cleansing agents before mechanical debriding procedures to help reduce bacterial populations and thus reduce the risk of introducing bacteria into the bloodstream during mechanical debridement. 

For most people following the Perio Protect Method, the placement of prescribed solutions into a periodontal pocket via a customized prescription tray requires only minutes each day. Patients describe the tray delivery as comfortable and appreciate its non-invasive technology. 

The actual combination of mechanical treatment, chemical therapies, and prescribed treatment plan is determined by a dentist evaluating your specific conditions. To find a dentist knowledgable about the Perio Protect Method, click here


Wisdom teeth often cause problems as they are trying to protrude through the gums.

Wisdom teeth extractions are a fairly common procedure. Wisdom teeth often cause problems as they are trying to protrude through the gums. When a wisdom tooth is impacted, it means the tooth is coming in at an angle and not straight through the gum line. This can cause pain, the tooth can come in unevenly, or the tooth may only emerge partially. 

When a wisdom tooth only emerges partially a flap of skin, called an operculum, may form over the tooth. This can make the tooth hard to clean, and pieces of food may be caught under the skin. This makes it easy for an infection, called pericoronitis, to develop. It will usually go away on its own, but it causes swelling and pain in the area. 

Impacted teeth and wisdom teeth that can potentially cause problems, like infections, need to be removed. Extractions can range from a single tooth, to removing all four wisdom teeth at once. Based on the preference of the doctor and/or the patient, a local anesthetic could be used to numb the areas where the teeth will be extracted. Others will prefer to go under a general anesthetic so that they will be sedated during the procedure.  

The gum tissue around the wisdom tooth is cut open to reveal the tooth. The tooth is loosened by gripping it tightly and wiggling it back and forth until it can be lifted out of the gums. Sometimes a tooth may be impacted so tightly that it cannot be simply lifted out of the gums. In cases like this the tooth will be broken up into pieces first before being removed. Depending on the incision and extraction site, sutures may be needed to close the area. Soluble sutures are the best option, which will dissolve on their own. 

After the surgery you will need to rest. You need to be driven home by a friend or family member because of the anesthesia. 

Oral Cancer

Chances you don’t have oral cancer, but wouldn’t it be comforting to know for sure? 

Let us tell you about our simple, painless, affordable 2 minute exam with the Velscope!

What Every Person Should Know About Oral Cancer: 

  • Oral Cancer has 3 times as many victums as cervical cancer.

  • One North American dies of oral cancer every hour of every day.

  • The biggest growth in oral cancer is among non smokes, and the main cause is the human pappillary virus.

  • There is usually a 90% cure rate if the disease is discovered early, but when discovered late(which is usually the case), the survival rate is very low.


Because of this risk to your health, our practice has invested in a state-of- the-art velscope system. As a part of our conventional oral cancer exam, it can literally help us discover potentially dangerous tissue that we might otherwise miss. It's as simple and painless as looking thru a light tube. Plan on making this possible life-saving exam part of your next hygiene appointment. When caught early, oral cancer is one of the most curable diseases. Vizilite Oral Cancer Screening is a great resource for early detection of oral cancer. It is a quick and painless procedure that uses specially designed light technology to identify any precancerous or cancerous abnormalities of your oral tissues.

Soft Tissue Graft

A soft tissue graft is used when there has been a significant amount of gum recession in a particular area.

A soft tissue graft is used when there has been a significant amount of gum recession in a particular area. Slight gum recession can usually be fixed with a few changes to your oral hygiene routine to take better care of your teeth and gums. When the gingiva recedes further it exposes you to greater risk for infection and bacterial penetration. You will likely be more sensitive to hot and cold foods when you have receding gums. If the gums recede enough as to expose the root you can set yourself up for more serious problems. The root is softer than the enamel making it more vulnerable to bacteria and plaque.  

To restore proper gum level and functionality a soft tissue graft can be performed. This is done by either removing soft tissue from the roof of the mouth, or repositioning healthy gum tissue from adjacent teeth. This procedure is very predictable and has a high success rate. This procedure should be performed before more serious problems develop and periodontal surgery is necessary.

Pinhole Surgical Technique (Gum Reguvination)

A virtually pain free option to correct gum recession. Scapal free - Suture free - Conventional Graft Free Patients and Doctors love it because it's quick, easy and instantly pleasing The procedure typically takes 1-2 hours and patients are back in action the next day in most cases

The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST), invented and patented by John Chao, DDS, MADG, is a scalpel-free, suture-free procedure for correcting gum recession. Through a small hole made by a needle, Dr. Chao uses specially designed instruments to gently loosen the gum tissue and glide it over the receded part of the tooth. Since there is no cutting or stitching, patients can expect minimal post-operative symptoms (pain, swelling and bleeding). Most patients also are pleasantly surprised by the instant cosmetic improvement.





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